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Our Mission

Statement of faith

Perfect Hope is a Christian teaching and discipleship ministry created to empower, equip and support churches, families and individuals with biblically based tools in addressing the issue of sexual and relational sin.

Purpose Statement

To provide biblically based training, instruction and resources for the Christian community in addressing the plight of sexual and relational sin within the church. To address the barriers to intimacy with God through effective spiritual warfare and to promote the pursuit of holiness and purity.   


Perfect Hope is founded upon the teachings of Jonathan Jones, MS. Through his over 40 years of counseling, mental health and ministry experience, Jonathan has developed unique techniques which address the heart of sexual sin. In 1999, he was called to address the issue of sexual sin within the church on a full-time basis. Since that time, he has developed intensive workshops, numerous workbooks, books, conferences and training institutes. He has witnessed hundreds of men walk in extended freedom from sexual sin with an improved intimacy with God and others.

Our Approach

The ministry provides courses, workshops, training and material for the Christian community in addressing the blight of sexual sin.

Courses: Courses are provided for individuals and groups as a means equipping the church with tools to battle the assault of sexual temptation. These courses are designed for Christians who recognize their own struggle and are ready to find freedom. Click here to learn more about our courses.

Workshops: Individualized workshops are provided for men who need intense and focused disciplining as a jump start or accelerant to their recovery. These workshops utilize the material found in the Blessing of the Thorn Course.  Click here to learn more about our workshops.

Training: Leadership training is provided for churches who want to launch programs to address sexual sin or accelerate their existing programs. Training opportunities are available through video conference or in person. Click here to learn more about our training venues.

 Material: Most of Perfect Hope’s material is provided through e-book or PDF format. This material covers the issue of sexual sin as well personal devotionals. Click here for our devotional books. The ministry also has numerous blogs and article entries. Click here to access our Bookstore page. Click here to go to our Articles and Blogs page.

Romans 5:5 tells of a hope that does not disappoint. When we place our hope in others, self or worldly pleasures then this hope will always disappoint.
Jesus has and will always be the Perfect Hope which never disappoints.
— Jonathan Jones, President and Founder of Perfect Hope

Our vision

  • Fear, shame, guilt and lies have kept the issue of sexual sin covered up or ignored within the Christian community far too long. In the past, the church has used fear and shame as a means of addressing this issue. These attempts failed miserably and only drove struggling Christians further into secrecy. Perfect Hope provides a message of hope, strength and encouragement. Our mission is to provide hope and freedom not only from sexual sin but from the burdens of fear, shame, guilt and lies. That hope is not based upon our ability because that hope will disappoint. That hope is based upon what Christ can do in restoring and healing our wounded souls and His Hope does not disappoint.

  • Perfect Hope is primarily an “in-reach” ministry with its focus upon addressing our secret sin of sexual idolatry. Our goal is to promote an urgency of revival within the church walls where we can address our struggles in the light of honesty and through God’s grace, mercy and forgiveness. Before we can be effective in our “outreach” we must first address our own issues. We must reset our direction away from the path of compromising Truth and begin a new generational path which pursues holiness and purity. We can no longer “shoot and discard” our members who struggle with sexual sin but we must provide a venue of hope and restoration because our God is the God of Hope and bigger than our greatest sins. When we begin to deal with our secret sins in the Light then the message to the world is inviting them to come to a safe place where they can lay their burdens down.

Your donation today goes to saving marriages, families and individuals from the devastating effects of sexual sin. Your contribution provides scholarships, materials and education for our hurting brothers and sisters. Perfect Hope is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt ministry.