Goldfish Devotionals Part II
By Jonathan Jones
It is sometimes hard to find the time and place to have regular daily devotionals. The Goldfish Devotionals Part II provides brief Bible studies and humorous anecdotes to keep you going throughout your busy schedule. The 225 pages of devotionals may be brief but filled with biblical truths which will sustain as well as challenge you in your Christian walk. The ebook format allows you to take them with you wherever you may go.
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Pursuing Purity Devotional
by Jonathan Jones
Scripture often describes God’s people as being his sheep and the Lord being the Good Shepherd. There are many downsides to being a sheep. Two of them are having a poor memory and getting lost easily. Sometimes, without persistent directional assistance, they forget where they are going and how to get back to where they were. God’s people are eerily similar in forgetting God’s promises, love, grace and mercy. We sometimes very quickly are distracted and venture off the path of pursuing holiness and purity. My hope with the Pursuing Purity Devotionals is to help you remember the goodness of our Shepherd while attuning and directing your heart through your own personal pursuit of purity.
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