The Blessing of the Thorn
By Jonathan Jones
Satan has been using sexual temptation to derail, consume and destroy the lives and testimony of God’s people since the beginning of time. Today the delivery system by which sexual temptation is delivered may differ from years past but its end result remains the same. The church has made many mistakes in addressing this plague. We have often “shot” our sexually wounded, ignored, dismissed and in some cases moved God’s standard so as to not offend them. Most of these failed attempts have been rooted in fear and misunderstanding. In The Blessing of the Thorn (Second Edition), we will begin to take away some of the mystery of sexual sin, develop a clearer understanding of how it takes root and present practical biblically based tools to assault it. Let us become the church who is not afraid to step into the fight with Truth and Grace and take back the ground the enemy has taken.
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The Blessing of the Thorn
By Jonathan Jones
Satan has been using sexual temptation to derail, consume and destroy the lives and testimony of God’s people since the beginning of time. Today the delivery system by which sexual temptation is delivered may differ from years past but its end result remains the same. The church has made many mistakes in addressing this plague. We have often “shot” our sexually wounded, ignored, dismissed and in some cases moved God’s standard so as to not offend them. Most of these failed attempts have been rooted in fear and misunderstanding. In The Blessing of the Thorn (Second Edition), we will begin to take away some of the mystery of sexual sin, develop a clearer understanding of how it takes root and present practical biblically based tools to assault it. Let us become the church who is not afraid to step into the fight with Truth and Grace and take back the ground the enemy has taken.
The Blessing of the Thorn is filled with 200 pages of insight which take the mystery out of sexual sin and gives hope to those dealing its effects.
To order your PDF/Ebook copies of The Blessing of the Thorn please click here.
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The Blessing of the Thorn Workbook
(Ebook/Writable PDF)
By Jonathan Jones
The Blessing of the Thorn Workbook is 132 pages filled with biblically based assignments and tools intended to empower men or women struggling with sexual sin. This material was developed from Jonathan’s over 40 years of counseling and ministry experience and utilized in hundreds of his workshops. The primary goal of the workbook is to promote the healing and recovery from sexual sin as well as an improved intimacy with God and others. This workbook can be used within a group setting or completed through an individual mentoring or counseling process. It is not, however, meant to be done in isolation or alone. The importance of accountability and discipleship will be a primary focus throughout this workbook and your healing process. We offer The Blessing of Thorn Book together because we have found this combination to be the most beneficial.
The workbook is in a writable PDF/Ebook format. There is no need, unless you wish, to print the workbook. Just download the material and begin. When you reach an assignment section you can type responses onto the document.
Here are just a few of the issues covered in The Blessing of the Thorn Workbook:
Setting up accountability, Barriers to intimacy, Understanding the addiction cycle and its triggers, Addressing our wounds, Forgiveness and grieving, God honoring boundaries, Dealing with our walls, Spiritual warfare, Non-sexual triggers and Developing a plan of action.
It is strongly encouraged to read The Blessing of the Thorn book in conjunction with the workbook but this is not mandatory for successful completion of the assignments.
It will take you several months to complete all the assignments and you will need support and encouragement to keep pressing forward. If you are willing to do the work then you will be rewarded with a deeper and more intimate relationship with the Lord and others.
To order and download your PDF/Ebook copy of The Blessing of the Thorn workbook please click here.
10 Truths Wives Need to Know- Living with a sexual addicted spouse
The wife of a sexual addict is often the most misunderstood victim which exists in the church today. Her world is filled with a sense of absolute betrayal. She feels betrayed by the man she committed her life to and often feels betrayed by God. The intent of this writing is to enlighten and clarify the plight of the sexual addict’s spouse. It is intended to give some direction, encouragement and hope. Romans 5: 3-5
To order and download your Ebook copy of the 10 Truths Wives Need to Know please click here.